Monthly Archives: January 2021

handgun, rifle, bullets cause injuries - ask dr. john

Ask Dr. John, Esq – Ballistics in Gunshot Wound Injuries

Injuries from firearms represent a serious public health issue. And although gunshot wound fatalities in the United States number at just under 40,000, more people suffer from nonfatal gunshot injuries than die. Survival after being injured by a fired projectile is related to a number of factors. The purpose of this article is to discuss […]

Dr. John Naranja, MD, JD is an expert witness in virtual mediations

Access to Justice – Dr. John – Medical Doctor and Attorney at Mediations

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution methodology. A hired independent and objective mediator will go back and forth between the two sides to bridge the gap between demand and offer. The mediator (a judge, a private lawyer, or a trained mediator) acts as a conduit to see if the sides can come to an agreement. […]

people jumping on trampolie with dog - article by Dr. John Naranja MD, JD.

Ask Dr John, Esq – Five Common Trampoline Injuries

Jumping on a trampoline has increased in popularity. Trampolines are available for jumping both commercially at trampoline parks and can be purchased for home use in our own backyards. With the rise in trampoline use, injuries have also escalated in number. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, over 100,000 emergency room visits per […]

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