Category Archives: Inspiration

All-Star Tip: Embrace adversity

By Marc Diller, written for Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys Why do Plaintiffs’ trial lawyers fear that jurors will judge unfavorably our clients’ pre-injury adversities? It’s time we embrace our clients’ hardships and make them part of our cases. We are trial lawyers. We tell human stories. There’s nothing more human than overcoming adversity in life. […]

John Adams Courthouse, home to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, attribution to Swampyank, Creative Commons License

Justice Kimberly S. Budd to be Massachusetts Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court

In this year (2020), when racial equality has been central to the National dialogue, our State’s highest court committed “to reexamine why, too often, our criminal justice system fails to treat African-Americans the same as white Americans, and recommit ourselves to the systemic change needed to make equality under the law an enduring reality for […]

Equal Justice Under Law - the Supreme Court Building

The Enduring Inspiration of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

We are eternally grateful that Ruth Bader Ginsburg (the Notorious RBG) fought for “equal rights under the law”. We so appreciate her conviction and strength to stand up for others, notably women, even when it wasn’t always socially (or legally) acceptable. We so appreciate the courage that RBG showed as a woman, as a wife, […]

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