Monthly Archives: August 2020

Man at home office signing documents with virtual chat on computer screen with people in virtual deposition

Virtual Depositions

In the midst of court shutdowns and the ongoing pandemic, access to justice for our clients remains of high importance at DILLER LAW. Our attorneys have been continuing to move cases along by holding virtual depositions over Zoom, where witnesses answer questions to prepare testimony for trial. A deposition is a witness’s sworn out-of-court testimony […]

cloth masks effectiveness for COVIC-19

Ask Dr John Esq – Mask Effectiveness – What Does the Science Show Regarding Cloth Masks for Preventing COVID-19?

While it is well accepted that medical-grade masks, such as the N-95 and N-99 masks, are effective in providing a barrier to COVID-19 droplet and aerosolization dispersal, many in the general public are relying on cloth-based coverings as a strategy to minimize the risk of cross-infection via respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets via coughing, sneezing, or […]

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