Tag Archives: COVID-19

interior nursing home room for people with disabilities

Ask Dr John Esq – COVID-19 Outbreaks at Nursing Homes – A Source of Legal Inquiry and Question of Organizational Responsibility

Long-term care facilities, or nursing homes, are responsible for delivering safe care to their elderly residents. Typically, residents have neither the physical ability nor mental capacity to live independently. Residents rely on the nursing homes themselves to prevent undue exposure to danger, that includes infectious disease. With the advent of COVID-19 and its devastating effects, […]

Man at home office signing documents with virtual chat on computer screen with people in virtual deposition

Virtual Depositions

In the midst of court shutdowns and the ongoing pandemic, access to justice for our clients remains of high importance at DILLER LAW. Our attorneys have been continuing to move cases along by holding virtual depositions over Zoom, where witnesses answer questions to prepare testimony for trial. A deposition is a witness’s sworn out-of-court testimony […]

cloth masks effectiveness for COVIC-19

Ask Dr John Esq – Mask Effectiveness – What Does the Science Show Regarding Cloth Masks for Preventing COVID-19?

While it is well accepted that medical-grade masks, such as the N-95 and N-99 masks, are effective in providing a barrier to COVID-19 droplet and aerosolization dispersal, many in the general public are relying on cloth-based coverings as a strategy to minimize the risk of cross-infection via respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets via coughing, sneezing, or […]

man swearing in during virtual arbitration - trial

Virtual Arbitrations – Trials

Our State has an access to justice problem since the Pandemic. Courts closed between mid-March 2020, and July 2020 for non-emergency matters. Going forward, there are concerns that our courts cannot accommodate jurors safely with social distancing requirements. Therefore, until we have a reliable vaccine, litigants may have trouble getting a trial by jury. The […]

COVID-19 and smoking - cigarette in mouth, facemark coving eyes in denial" - Article by John Naranja, MD, JD.

Ask Dr John Esq – Smoking and COVID-19

There are an estimated 34.2 million tobacco smokers in the United States. The negative effects of smoking remains well documented. Product liability cases against tobacco companies have also exposed how tobacco manufacturers knew of the harmful effects related to smoking and its addictive effects. Further, as a theory of liability using consumer protection statutes became […]

coronavirus testing to overcome pandemic

The COVID-19 Medical Crisis Exposes A Health Care Crisis

As our friends and followers are probably well-informed already, COVID-19 has created a medical crisis in the state of Massachusetts, across the country, and around the world. We saw another devastating weekend with hundreds of new fatalities attributed to the novel coronavirus. Sweeping the state of Massachusetts for the first time three short months ago, […]

children remote learning at home after schools were closed down

The Education Crisis

Today, State lawmakers are scheduled to evaluate best practices for remote learning to students during the pandemic. As many of us know first-hand, our State and its citizens are facing an education crisis. With schools across the state of Massachusetts closed since mid-March due to the novel coronavirus, children are now forced to learn remotely. […]

atypical symptoms of coronavirus I'm the elderly

Ask Dr John Esq – Atypical Symptoms of COVID-19 In The Elderly

Symptoms of COVID-19 infection typically appear from 2 to 14 days after exposure. Fever, dry cough and shortness of breath are the well-publicized symptoms related to COVID-19 infection. A more detailed look, however, may help us understand the spectrum of symptoms one might display after an infection. As a respiratory virus, COVID-19 symptoms develop as […]

auto insurance refund

Refunds From Auto Insurance?

Refunds? It’s a term we all know and love, but most of us don’t associate refunds with costly insurance premiums…at least until now. In a surprising turn of events amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our country’s largest auto insurers are finally giving back at a time our fellow Americans need it most. In the […]

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