Monthly Archives: February 2021

heartbeat - heart shaped icon article by Dr John Naranja MD, JD

Ask Dr John, Esq – Heart Health

Through extensive research, the medical community has identified risk factors that you should understand to increase your chances of a heart-healthy life. Risk factors can be classified into those that cannot be changed; risk factors that can be treated or modified; and risk factors that can contribute but whose overall impact has not yet been […]

OUI – Operating Under The Influence

If you have been convicted of an OUI (operating under the influence) charge, there may be an opportunity for you to challenge the disposition of your case. Last week, a Concord District Court judge granted a motion that prompted thousands of notices to be sent to drunken driving defendants. These notices informed the convicted that […]

epidural steroid injection iillustration

Ask Dr John Esq. – What Are Epidural Steroid Injections?

Epidural steroid injections are a common treatment for low back and neck pain that radiates into the leg(s) or arm(s) respectively. This article will discuss the anatomy involved in an epidural injection, what an epidural steroid injection is, why it is administered, results, and possible complications. In a previous article, we discussed the coverings overlying […]

spinal cord injuries

Ask Dr John, Esq – Spinal Cord Injury and Types of Paralysis

Spinal cord injuries occur in the United States at a rate of approximately 12,000 injuries each year. The largest proportion (36.5 percent) are a result of car accidents. The next most common causes occur as a result of falls, followed by acts of violence (primarily gunshot wounds), and sporting accidents. Injuries to the spinal cord […]

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